
  • Happy Belated Father’s Day and Spring Update 2019

    We have been extremely busy the past couple months with outside (work) deadlines, family gatherings and garden projects around the house so I haven’t had a chance to keep up with posts here lately. I am going to try to be better about that in the future. I can’t promise that life won’t carry me…

  • Site Renovation

    The transformation of Liskabora will soon be complete! You can probably see from our new look (and new menu categories) that we are making somewhat of a shift from a bath and body (only) focus to including art and home decor as well. Once all of the formalities of setting up shop in a new…

  • Liskabora is Moving!

    We are in the process of moving at the moment and have taken down all of the products from our website (except for our perfume) temporarily until our move is complete and we have our new space up and running.  We can’t wait to see you all again in the new year and show you…

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