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Late Winter Plans
As the latter part of our crazy home renovation journey unfolds, I am starting to do the design for my dream closet and our kitchen garden. With the “stressful” part of the renovation now over we can begin to share some of the before and afters and bring you along for the rest of the…
Coastal Sunset Collection
February is off to a great start! We finally have everything finalized in our new state and are ready to start uploading products to our website again! To celebrate I am sharing a few of my very first images, finally processed and ready to be included in a new art collection. From old beginnings to…
Urban Architectural Art Set – Alleyways and Railroads
I am introducing a set of architectural grunge art depicting the beauty often present in the lesser seen sides of the urban world. This first pair features a railroad in New Orleans and a quaint alleyway in Savannah. There will be more to come soon! Once I have all the formalities taken care of I…
Site Renovation
The transformation of Liskabora will soon be complete! You can probably see from our new look (and new menu categories) that we are making somewhat of a shift from a bath and body (only) focus to including art and home decor as well. Once all of the formalities of setting up shop in a new…
Thinking Ahead To Spring
Now that the holidays are over and January is already halfway gone, we are thinking ahead to spring and warmer weather. Our first task outdoors now that the exterior construction is complete will be our kitchen garden. We are STILL under construction indoors, but I can see a dim light at the end of the…
Happy New Year 2019!
We wish you all happiness, health and prosperity in 2019. Starting off the new year right with our inspiration board for early winter 2019!
Extending the Christmas Season
I wish it was socially acceptable to keep Christmas decorations up until winter turns to spring. They add so much cheer and beauty to the darker months of the year! Perhaps we need to invent a new holiday that would extend the Christmas season to early March for the express purpose of keeping our decorations…
Liskabora Has Moved To The Lake Of The Ozarks!
We have finally made the move from Chicago to Missouri! It has taken us much longer than anticipated to both find the perfect place and renovate it for our needs, but it has been well worth the wait. Although our space is still very much under construction and there a few last details involved with…
Liskabora is Moving!
We are in the process of moving at the moment and have taken down all of the products from our website (except for our perfume) temporarily until our move is complete and we have our new space up and running. We can’t wait to see you all again in the new year and show you…