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Autumn Mood Board

I know true autumn will not arrive for another few weeks, but I couldn’t wait any longer to post this. September seems like fair game to me for bringing out the pumpkin spice and cozy fall decor. Enjoy this season while it lasts, because you know Christmas is right around the corner!

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Navy Kitchens

We are starting to toss around ideas for our future kitchen remodel. I am a huge fan of dark cabinets and loved the black cabinets we did in our last house. I’m not sure that I want to do that again though, since I’ve done it before… and that was a decade ago before it was popular and it’s everywhere now.

Navy seems to be popular right now also, which is kind of cool. Not sure how long this trend will last, but it does look fabulous. We will see where things are headed when we are ready to start the project. I want to make sure I choose something that will last and look current for years to come.

Here are my mood board images for the navy kitchen option, enjoy!

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Woodland Entertaining Mood Board

In theory, we could do this in the woods at our new home.

When we first moved here, I planned to create outdoor living areas throughout the property to use for different gatherings. That was, until I was hit with the “reality vs. expectation” of spending time outdoors.

The expectation was a beautiful, earthy, moody, woodland gathering vignette to be shared with friends enjoying wine and trendy naked cakes. The reality? Tick bites, swarming mosquitoes, and the desire to throw anything used or worn outdoors into a raging fire, to avoid bringing those pests indoors.

Maybe someday in the future, once we have figured out how to deal with those pests, we can do what I had envisioned. Perhaps that includes the purchase of thousands of quail, an army of bats, or a fire throwing drone (I’m kidding… maybe).


Until then, it remains a dream (more of a nightmare currently). Dreams can be shared though, so enjoy the mood board and if you have any realistic tick and mosquito elimination tricks, please let me know!

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St. Patrick’s Day Decor

As St. Patrick’s day draws near, a little green decor inspiration for your viewing pleasure and a little Irish blessing for your future!

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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Extending the Christmas Season

I wish it was socially acceptable to keep Christmas decorations up until winter turns to spring. They add so much cheer and beauty to the darker months of the year! Perhaps we need to invent a new holiday that would extend the Christmas season to early March for the express purpose of keeping our decorations out longer.

My favorite images inspiring this year’s winter spirit – there can be so much beauty in this season!